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The ups and downs in relations of Pakistan with its elected political parties and neighboring India
  • Nawaz Sharif
    Nawaz Sharif
The Pakistan security establishment get angry over the comments by the three time elected ex-premier and Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz leader Nawaz Sharif’s straight comments through his interview by the leading newspaper DAWN.

The isolation of Pakistan globally is now understood when the United States limited the Pakistani diplomats to an area of only some kilometers, same is happening with its arch rival India, Afghanistan and Iran regionally.

In such situation when Pakistan’s globally side lined at home the democratic political parties are facing hurdles by some of its institutions violating its “framework” defined by the constitution of the country. The pushing hard of the elected government of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz is very obvious since his name appeared in the list of the “leaders who were holding the offshore companies”—which is considered the money laundering and corruption by these leaders. But the joint investigation team formed for investigating the then premier of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif merely took out “iqama”—the document necessary for the stay in Saudi Arabia where Nawaz’s own son had showed him an employee of the company. The pay, in this document was not mentioned in the electioneering documents by the PMLN leader that was made the point not only of his outer from the office but now a decision by the court barred him from electioneering and leading any institution of the country for life time.

This was termed as an armed used against their leader’s pro-democracy, parliament and constitution supremacy stance as well as struggling for an independent foreign policy of the country in particular toward India and Afghanistan.

Though, it was not the first time when deep-state started their struggle and showed their shoulders to the elected government but soon after his being in the office the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf leader Imran Khan was assigned to launch a three months long “sit-in” in the capital city Islamabad. Which not only disturbed the governance as well as the political skirmishes did not let the elected government to go for working on different laws tabled and proposed by the elected members of the parliament.

It’s the history of the country which was ruled by the military dictators that changed the Pakistani security establishment into more powerful bunch of elites who would interfere in political affairs of the country, create leaders, hurdle the ways of elected parliaments, did not let the constitution to become punctual into its true spirit. Because they wanted a weaker democracy in the country which would be a result of maligning political leaders, political parties and the elected parliament and even going up to the extent of giving life sentence to the elected premier Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the then Pakistan People’s Party popular leader.

Even now when the PMLN leader Nawaz Sharif commented on the Mumbai terrorist attack that killed more than 150 people and caused a stir in the relations between India and Pakistan and gestured that we [gesturing to the Pakistani military establishment"> raise and take care of the non-state actors who are disturbing neighboring India in the form of Mumbai attack.

This even worsen the situation between the military establishment and the elected government when one of the applicant even asked the court to treat PMLN leader Nawaz Sharif under article 6 of the constitution of Pakistan which is meant “treason”. But he did not down the guard and kept on appearing in the media and countering the “aliens”—referred to the spy agencies who’re for longer involved in the country’s elected bodies. The ex-premier alleged the military establishment for forcing his party’s elected members of parliament to change their loyalties. This all happens at a time when Pakistan’s elected bodies are due to complete their tenure at the end of this May. And it is feared that Pakistan would be having the more diluted election in 2018 or possibly it may prolong up-to a body of technocrat or unelected government.

The PMLN government is not alone in its voyage toward the implementation of constitution of the country. It is having alliance of the likeminded political democratic parties. And an alliance in the future of these political groups can give tough time to both the government and military establishment in the form of agitation.

While some believe that unholy alliance between the military establishment and the judiciary, who’re involved in unnecessary “judicial activism” considered as the political victimization of the elected political parties and their leaders. Even now the National Accountability Bureau, that was formed by the then dictator and military leader General Pervez Musharraf who made the rival political parties as its victims and changed several political leaders “loyalties”.

But the Pakistani leader Nawaz Sharif statement regarding the Mumbai attack is globally cashed by the Indian media as well as the Afghan leaders who’re long time finger raisers over the fishy role of Pakistan and blame the country being the “heaven” for the terrorist organizations destabilizing the region.
Malik Achakzai