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Justin 'Singh' Trudeau and the Khalistan terror
  • Justin Trudeau
    Justin Trudeau
"Sometimes in Washington what is not said is as important as what is said. The fact that the United States has not gone out of its way by supporting what Justin Trudeau was alluding to, I think is important. Now, what should the United States do? If Justin Trudeau wants to become an Olympic hole-digger, perhaps the role of the United States should be to provide a ladder to help him get out of it." Word of Michael Rubin, noted commentator and analyst at the American Enterprise Institute who thus commented on Justin Trudeau's latest geopolitical stunt. Who saw fit to call a press conference along with his Foreign Minister Melanie Joly to blame Indian intelligence for the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, gunned down in Vancouver last June 18 by a pair of unidentified figures. Although Trudeau and Joy spoke only of "credible information" and "suspicions," thus presenting no concrete evidence of the heavy accusations against the Indian government, just to make good weight they announced that they had expelled from Canada "a senior diplomat" namely the local Indian intelligence chief. India immediately responded by calling Trudeau's accusations "garbage" and expelling from the country Olivier Sylvester, head of Canadian intelligence in India. But if good Justin expected to get support from historical allies and the West all to pounce on India's nasty, non-democratic minority oppressor Modi for "killing a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil," he was sorely mistaken. No one, least of all the White House, sided with the Trudeau scion. Who on the other hand, according to rumors, had already asked for support from various Western countries getting only vague statements in return. But Justin, he went ahead anyway. Achieving in one fell swoop the resounding and spectacular result of granitically compacting Indian politics: because, despite the fact that the protests following Nijjar's death blamed "the regime of terror imposed by the Indian government," in this case Modi had nothing to do with it. Everyone, in fact, opposition and government, stood as one against Canada. And not without reason. It was 1982, in fact, when then-premier Indira Gandhi (grandmother of current Congress opposition party leader Rahul Gandhi) had asked Pierre Trudeau, Justin's father and premier from 1969 to 1979 and later from 1980 to 1984, to hand over Babbar Khalsa terrorist Talwinder Parmar: Pierre refused. Two years later Indira ordered the infamous Operation Blue Star against militants barricaded in Amritsar's Golden Temple, the holiest place of worship for Sikhs. The operation ended in a massacre, which Gandhi would pay for with her life a few months later: murdered by her bodyguards, who were Sikhs, in retaliation. In 1985, Babbar Khalsa blew up Air India Flight 182 from Toronto to Mumbai. The 747 'Kanishka' exploded in the skies over Ireland killing 329 people. The gentlemen responsible for the bombing, the aforementioned Talwinder Parmar, were not only never extradited from Canada but also never arrested. As for the 'Canadian citizen' Nijjar, there are many in Canada and beyond who wonder why he was granted Canadian citizenship in 2015. Given that he had entered the country with a fake passport and his applications had been rejected twice. And that Nijjar had an Interpol Red Notice and a dozen cases pending in India against him: for terrorism, drug trafficking and being part of a gang of hired killers. There are many in Canada who wonder why Trudeau and his people had chosen to harbor a criminal, but the answer is quite obvious: a matter of votes. Votes that good Justin lacks, and absolutely needs. So much so that he has allied himself with Jagmeet Singh, head of the New Democratic Party and supporter of the Khalistan Movement, a separatist movement that has virtually no followers in India but is very active abroad and calls for a separate homeland for Sikhs. On the other hand, according to the 2021 census, Sikhs make up 2.1 percent of the Canadian population. After India, Canada is home to the largest Sikh population in the world. Sikh legislators and officials are present at all levels of Canadian government and have become one of the country's most important political lobbies. As political scientist Terry Milewski wrote years ago, "It is not easy to watch a crowd of 100,000 people on Vaisakhi Day [in Canada">, knowing that they might vote for you if you keep your mouth shut, and then open it and risk losing votes." Hence, Trudeau's silence about the Sikhs' terrorist activities, and also about the fact that Nijjar had set up amiable terrorist training camps on Canadian soil: documented by footage that had been circulating for some time on the net among Open Source Intelligence accounts. On the other hand, at the G20, that Indian G20 at which Trudeau was snubbed by most and to which, according to his own statement, the only contribution brought by Canada was the crucial debate on 'gender neutrality,' things had not exactly looked good. Ajit Doval, India's National Security Adviser, is said to have met with his Australian, British and Canadian counterparts about the rise of Sikh fundamentalism and violence against Indian property in their respective countries. Apparently, the Australian and British NSAs had reacted positively to Indian concerns, but the Canadian NSA remained silent: despite the fact that Khalistan supporters, with the help of Sikhs For Justice, an organization declared a terrorist organization by India, openly threatened to assassinate senior Indian diplomats in Canada and had stormed and vandalized embassies just about everywhere. On the other hand, the G20 has never brought good things to Trudeau: last year in Bali he had to suffer the wrath of Xi Jinping, who treated him badly for the benefit of the cameras, for stopping Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the founder of Huawei, in Vancouver. And now, to put it bluntly, Justin doesn't know where to bang his head to get out of it. Rishi Sunak had already taken sides more than once, against the activities of Sikh for Justice and the Khalistan Movement on British soil. Biden, who needs India in an anti-Chinese key, has no intention of going against the Delhi government. So does Australia. And on the other hand, it is no secret to anyone that China and Pakistan are behind the activities of Sikh separatists, which for a change hosts the cream of turbaned terrorism in Punjab: curiously in fact, the claims of the Khalistan Movement and Sikh for Justice stops at Wagah like Christ at Eboli, in the sense that they concern only the Indian part of Punjab. Trudeau, after dropping the bombshell and cashing in on allies' silence, has already begun to soften his tones: for geopolitical reasons but, also because at this point he has to give his constituents a number of difficult explanations. Especially if, as some analysts argue, his reckless support risks opening a renewed season of Sikh terrorism: not in India, but in Canada and the rest of the West.
Francesca Marino